I usually write songs…or grocery lists or checks for school field trips. But lately, I don’t know…it’s just time to start blogging. I feel it.  I love encouraging people, I love writing and I love (hate) being 81% melancholy.  I love crying when I listen to music and getting in touch with all those feels that people are always telling you to get out of. I crave authenticity, real relationships, truth, justice, chocolate and donuts. I love my children, my “people”, coffee, a stylish wardrobe, good music, Joanna Gaines and Jesus. I hope when you visit here you can laugh and cry and relate and feel a safe sense of belonging.  I hope you enjoy real-life stories and deep conversations with a little bit of lame and ridiculous mixed in. If you do, you’re in the right place.  I have no idea what I’m doing, but come on in and grab a seat.  Epic story coming soon…


Published by Heather Land

CEO of I Ain’t Doin It. Master Certified Life Coach. Tennessee girl. Wife. Mama. Cat lady. Enneagram 4. Loves to: light candles, drink coffee, drink wine, write, talk crap, watch The Great British Bake Off and dumb shows on TLC, shop, decorate, travel, eat fancy food, overthink, be real and hang out with authentic people.

34 thoughts on “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’M DOING

    1. You should be in TV commercials, at the end of movies, how about in department stores, restaurants, doctor and dentist offices, garages while they change your oil. You put everyone one a good mood.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. My husband and I love you and your down to earth comments and advice. My sister works at WalMart in Paducah KY as a checker, and I can picture her at her register with some of your IDEAS HAPPENING !!! We laugh for 2 hours after we’ve watched you on our computer. My husband always LOOKS for your new ones. You are our MEDICINE.
      MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!

      Bob and Sharon Kreutzer
      Melbourne FL

      Liked by 1 person

  1. My dear, pew behind me, church friend who is from Columbia SC (and I don’t hold that against her as she has seen the light and moved to Virginia) shared your FACEBOOK “I Ain’t Doing it”, subject monograms, which we discussed often as her baby girl has everything monogramed and probably her side cheek….I laughed until it hurt and then I read your blog….you go girl…God is Good and you just tell ’em all about it! Today I have become a big fan!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Write a book!!! I’m 40 and would rather turn the pages; however, you are correct! I love Jesus and my baby…12. But utterly connect with you! I have been crying laughing all night! Thank you/ Jesus/babies for your strength! Please!!!!!!!!!! Write a book! All should hear this!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I found your videos on FB and saw on your page your links to your blog. Thanks for sharing your story and being so real, and so humorous! You truly have a gift… I truly appreciate you honesty and enjoy reading your posts and watching your videos.. God is Good; Bless you and thanks for your words.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. While in my chemo/cancer treatments, the laughter your videos and blog provide are truly the best medicine yet! Thank you for getting me through! Giving up??? Nuhaaa…..I ain’t doin it!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Heather, I just want to say, I LOVE your blog and I LOVE your videos! So true and so funny! You are AWESOME Girl! Keep on laughing! God is Faithful! He cares about you! He loves you with an everlasting love!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I first discovered your I ain’t doin it videos about 3 weeks ago. At first, you were just the funny ” I ain’t doin it” girl to me, and I thought you were hilarious!!
    Now that I’ve read more into you, and about you…I still think you’re hilarious, and you’re real and I freakin LOVE you !!
    What a wonderful ministry you have and a talent for writing and singing!!
    Love and prayers

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for making me laugh at you and more important helping me laugh at myself, love the blogs too!
    Love & light for sharing your journey, Beth

    Liked by 1 person

  8. When I go to bed at night. That’s when I watch you what I really like is your telling it like life is. The very best reason I admire you is. Praise the Lord someone to stand up for Jesus Christ.


  9. Yes! Yes! Yes! You summed up everything we are all feeling and thinking in a straight-to-the-point, blog post! I love writers, books, messy feelings of emotion and also crave real connection with people in an electronic, I’m too busy world.
    Keep going, we love ya. You’re the breath of fresh and wholesome air we’ve been looking for.


  10. I love that you express my inner me better than I can. It’s so important in these days of superficial ‘duck face’ look at me social media posts craving attention and keeping up with ‘likes’, that we (especially as divorced women and mothers) find our tribe. A place to be real and safe. I believe we are kindred spirits and look forward to reading more.


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